A Conversation for h2g2 Smileys

smiley pop up

Post 1

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

"a smiley pop up" like the "who's online"

handy for using smileys

smiley pop up

Post 2


That would be handy. Mind you, isn't each smiley a link to the smiley page?

smiley - rose

smiley pop up

Post 3


Yup, each smiley is a link to the Smiley page. Clicking on it takes you not only to the smiley page, but to the entry for that smiley.

smiley - rose

smiley pop up

Post 4

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

but you loose the page were you are reading.

I mean you write something with smileys in forum it would handy
if there was pop up with smileys

there sooooo many now. I can not remember them all.

I am wired being, but would make so much easier.

I am not gonna explain wired being on here look on my space.

smiley pop up

Post 5


I do know what you mean. The only thing I can suggest is that you open the smiley page in a new window, or perhaps print out the codes. Tedious but it's a make do.

smiley - rose

smiley pop up

Post 6

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

Hallo pal

instead of dissing the idea could you suport me, please!

I just want to make h2g2 life easier,
the pop up makes h2g2 bit more user friendly in my eyes.

smiley pop up

Post 7


I'm not dissing the idea, sorry if it appears that way, I'm discussing it.

The idea is a good one. It would be helpful I agree. The thing is, for any idea to work though it needs to be fully thought out, ways and means and such. We'd need to look at the current availability and see the working and problems of such an idea, how it helps people, it's popularity, usability and such. Then we need to look at it's limitations. Where it falls short of being a better solution and such.

You've already mentioned the possibility of having the smiley codes in a popup window. A good idea, but a generalisation. How would it work? How much information would go in the window? You've got to think about the size of the page, you don't want a pop up that is larger than your normal h2g2 window. I'd suggest that it's limited to a basic table, with the picture of the smiley, the keystrokes and the < bracketed > name alternative. Leaving out all the explanations and text and such.

Just my idea on it.

And don't worry, I'm not dissing the idea. I like it. If I didn't like the idea I wouldn't have commented at all, along the lines of "If you ain't got anything nice to say, shut up." smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

smiley pop up

Post 8


For what it's worth, this idea is already in the to-do list. Quite how we implement it is up for discussion, though... smiley - smiley


smiley pop up

Post 9

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

my idea is that the pop up should some where between "who's online and NetLingo's version of its pop up with ABC.

net ling is COMpany and do not forget the wwway to it.

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