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Throughout the brief existence of our species, so called Homo Sapiens, we have foretold the end of the earth, the all out end of life on our dear little planet.

When we had just discovered fire (which, if I may add, was the preliminary stepping stone across the wide river of technological and biological evolution), we would gibber and cower at the sight of a solar eclipse. “The sun has been swallowed and we shall die a freezing death!” (Or as near a translation as you can get with a vocabulary of ‘Ug’ and ‘Og’.) But surprise, and un-belated awe, we are still alive and kicking.

Since then there have been numerous disasters, where people again began to whine about the end of mankind, for example, the two world wars. But, again I notice that we are still here and life does indeed go on.

Today we have to deal with such atrocities as the millennium bug, which just goes to show that we have become too dependent on technology to survive. Also a lovely fellow named Nostradamus has been stirring the minds of various pessimists by writing his prophecies. You know, the prophecies that you can’t actually decipher until after the event occurs, but which have none the less been translated and foretell of the end of the earth in a fiery death.

My view? Get some technological bug spray and warn the fire crews.

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