S Club 7

2 Conversations

The lowest form of life in the Universe has commented that S Club 7 made him feel much better looking. His comment has been widely acknowledged as genius and was the main reason for his amazing statement being submitted to the Intergalactic Federation of Wisdom as a nominee for the truest statement of this last millenium.
Unfortunately, though for Pete, who's name has been changed for reasons of conmplete embarassment, has pulled out of the running for the prize due to the fact that if he won he would not be able to go onto the stage to collect his prize as he would kill the front row because of his dreadful odour.

There brand of over-poppy smug fuelled rubbish is what many people believe to be the worst drivel in the Universe. It is said that many children who heard their debut single, "We're so terrible!" died of brain tumas.

This can in fact be confirmed as true, due to the implication of the splitting headache I get every time I see the band's name.

I believe that all children under the age of 16 should be immunised against the vile stench of teenage poppy terribleness.

Be warned:

Wear ear plugs when watching MTV just in they sneak up on you.

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