PUB: Doyle's, College Green, Dublin 2

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This place I didn't want to go into on my own ever again. It's a kip! It's not very comfy and the bar-woman had the worst teeth that I'd ever seen on a human! Black to the hilt they were! Very distressing. Thankfully I had some good company when I was there.

Real typical Oirish pub as far as I can make out. Dirty, dingy and full of old people. Everything is horrible and made of wood and it's all really crappy. Toilets are a bitch to get to, but they did have a redeeming feature or two:

1. They were the cleanest part of the pub and the doors on the cubicle's actually had working locks.

2. All the pro-IRA grafitti on the toilet door had an 'N' put in after all the IRA's so everything was saying "Up IRAN!!". I found that nice and amusing being the apolitical animal that I am.

I wouldn't go here again unless another nice girl made me go. And yes, and very nice girl brought me there the last time too...

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