Killer Navigation Buoys

1 Conversation

How, why are you looking at this page? Why were you searching for entries on Killer Navigation Buoys? Why am I writing about Killer Navigation Buoys? God knows, is the simple answer. However, by the time this article is finally unearthed, my cohorts and I will have made a 60s style horror film about navigation buoys irradiated by stray experimental Russian nuclear warheads which land in the Irish Sea, and then attacks, savagely mutilates and murders the people of Poulton-le-Fylde. This is under investigation by people from the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. There will be going to have been lines such as 'These people were not killed by any conventional man or beast' (West Country accent), and Pubs filled with strange locals who fall silent when strange outsiders enter a pub, asking about the pentangles on walls. Please sponsor this film! Please give me money! Please watch the film! It will be premiered at the Edinburgh Festival in 2000. We hope. I'm now being restrained by the men in white. No, no, anything but the padded cell again....

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