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 A person with an abnormal ability to understand why electronic hardware doesnt do what you want it to.
These people generally suffer at the hands of non-technical people who insist on telling you they know what they are doing despite obviously having no idea. Hence questions like: do I need a computer to use this software? Left mouse button, your left or my left?
A techie can also look a little (sic)nerdish: slim, bloodshot eyes, addicted to coffee and pizza. Techies are multiplying at an alarmig rate. Nearly everyone knows one, there are always a few at every party you go to these days. Thankfully they are mostly classless, hate sport and find politics rather boring.
Ask a question about Star Trek though, and you can almost hear the hum of overactive grey matter clicking into overdrive. a techie is to computers what a tent peg is to a tent. Required to stop it all falling over.

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