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Cocktails! Aren't they great! Those silly coloured alcoholic concoctions which have the ability to do to your system in one glass what many people spend buckets of dosh and entire nights trying to do with repeated doses of beer/lager/cider/take your pick. So cocktail experts, roll up roll up and teach us of the wonders of the world of pink and blue flaming drinks. To begin with here's one I had the incredible fortune to experience the other day.


Now I don't know exactly how this is made, but this is an approximation from what I did see. You will need

A LARGE shot of rum.
A decent splash of Ribena, or similar.
As much root ginger as you can possibly lay your hands on, grated and then left in water for a day or two to develop that extreme flavour.

To make:
Grate/crush the ice into a glass.
Pour in the rum.
Add the Ribena.
Add a healthy splash of the ginger water.
Gasp, wipe your eyes, add water to taste. The taste should be along the lines of 'Wow! What is that taste? Hang on I know.. it's.......'

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