Babel Fish Smilies: Severe Lack Thereof

3 Conversations

Late one hour in a small town of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy an awful realisation struck the author as she typed away at her Arabic-based keyboard. It struck slowly and not so much startlingly as, well, downright strangely, but it struck nonetheless. It was this: There is no cute little symbol to represent a babel fish. NOT A SINGLE ZARKING ONE!!!! At least none that I know of. I looked right through the dictionary of cute little net symbols, past :) and :-) beyond to :( and the rare (but when it strikes does it ever strike) *<:) jolly old St NicK but the bloody book 'o smilies jumped straight from ;[) to X( NO ZARKING BABEL FISH TO BE HAD FOR LOVE OR FLAINIAN POBBLE BEADS So began my quest to make one up for myself (and anyone else who felt inclined to use it). CX( not quite. CXI Just a normal fish. IXD Even fishier. OCD I don't think so. O)(O not even close. ;) ooh! hello to you too! |\_ _/| ( O) (O ) (honestly though that's a bit oversized \ ^ ^ / for a cute little smiley.) (|||) AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently this is a bugblatter beast all the way from Traal -- but I digress. If anyone knows where I can find the elusive Babel Fish Smiley, or if anyone has engineered one and can lend it to me, please let me know. Regular updates will follow if the author can be bothered. So long, and thanks for any fish.

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