Created | Updated Oct 20, 2010
First, it seemed that pi is a sort of pastry which can be apple or cherry or many other kinds of fruit, best served hot with some ice cream.
Then, after a few weeks I looked over my notes and realized I'd gone wrong somewhere.
Pi is also a movie.
But that wasn't wnough. Pi must be terribly special to have a movie made about it.
I started over from the beginning, now researching more carefully, and after a few more weeks, I discovered something.
Pi is a NUMBER!
"What are you talking about?" I can hear you thinking, "Pi can't be a number! Numbers look like this: 1, 2, 3, 4..."
Pi is a special number
It appears to be a special number in some kinds of mathematics, and most importantly, a number that many people are obsessed with.
Pi is often approximated to 3.14159, although many other decimals in actuallity follow.
There is a great following of people who like to memorize large numbers fo digits of pi!
There is apparently a great amount of prestige among these people in knowing a large number of digits of pi.
If you ever want to be prestigous amound these groups, you must know much of pi.
In order to start you off, I will provide a number of digits of pi (from memory, of course).
If you wish to be recognised among many groups of people as a very intelligent and prestigous person, succumb to this fad and memorize pi!