Video Game Music

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I'm not sure how many people on h2g2 play video games, but one thing i've always noticed was the importance of Music in video games.
Of course, I rarely listen to the music that comes with the game... I just turn it off and put on my own music.
but I have found that winning a game is much easier to do when you enjoy the music you hear.
I defeated the disgusting Shubb-Nigarauth in Quake to the beat of the
Genesis song "get 'em out by friday" and blasted my way through Doom while listening to Jethro Tull's "aqualung".
when the campigner fell to his knees and died in the N64 epic Turok, it was to the sound of frank Zappa's "My guitar wants to kill your Mama."
I even won Microsoft's "Fury 3" to Jimi Hendrix's "Voodoo Chile."
"What's the point of all this insane rambling?" you ask yourselves, well...the point is that if you want to become a pro at Video games, play it to music you like!!!!
But make sure not to distract yourself with your music; choose somthing that sets a nice background but doesn't screw you up.
If neccecery, turn the game sounds off entirely.
beware the following sound effects and music:

the voice of slippy toad in nintendo's "Starfox 64"
the music for the course "Crystal Lake" in Nintendo's "1080 snowboarding."
the voice of young link in nintendo's "Zelda: Ocarina of Time"
Anything in nintendo's "Glover"

though not all game music is bad: I suggest the following game music: Quake, Starcraft, and most of all: The Neverhood.

Video game music usually consists of hard rock or heavy meatal.
with the exception of older games and The Neverhood: which the game-makers decided to steer away from that stuff and go for acoustic sounding stuff.
Now, i'm not much of a fan of acoustic, but this music is great... not so much the beat, or the lyrics... just the music as a whole is funny as hell.

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