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Rutland, a sad little county with a tremendously loyal populace who truly belive that, A) yes they invented the wheel and anything else of merit going. B) That everybody knows where Rutland is but don't have the time to visit just at the moment, due to Cronic Digital Watch Fatigue.
It does have its points of interest though. Such as the second largest man made lake in Europe, ideal for Formation Drowning, Trout Fishing, Wind Surfing et al. Lots of extremly Interesting/Uninteresting (depending on your particular fetish) horseshoes donated to Oakham Castle by visiting dignataries, who oddly enough didn't stop there very long. Several extreemly good ale houses that serve a pasable warm brown liquid that tastes not entirely disimilar to a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, and an extremly small maze that you may have trouble with if you had just had the afore mentioned Gargle Blaster and were two inches high. Rutland was also until recently Englands smallest county, the Isle of Wight now holds this uniqe honourific. Bully for the Isle of Wight. All in all a thoroughly bucloic holiday destination, the ideal place to take the future Bi pedal life forms in Law.

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