Created | Updated Mar 12, 2002
Oxygen...err... rubber, heavy metals, carbonmonoxide, incinirated garbage fumes and a thousand other parts that has modified the air just in such a short time as 110 years.
The humans noticed that it lacked of something and decided to give it some aroma...
They started to build big air-aroma factories that slowly filled the air around them with a sort of smoky taste.
Then they thought of the places that were´nt inhabited, were there was no aroma factories, and built little portable aroma-factories with wheels.
They called them "cars"
But the "cars" could´nt go everywhere so the humans had to build big, multiple-laned roads made of stone and tar (see oil) to drive the cars on.
However this article is about air so lets leave the aroma factory and go to my article about water which could easily continue this article...