That Jesus-Looking Dude in Winnipeg

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So it's 1990, and after acting in a couple of College plays, I meet a person from the Opera in January, who has set
up a booth next to our Fraternties (read: drinking and women club). Her name is Jeanie and she's very nice, I agree to
volunteer for the Opera. This involves actually being onstage during performances (acting, don't ya know), as well
as a lot of other gophering like duties. So it turns out that May rolls around, and I am asked to Stage Manage
at the Summer Theatre here, Rainbow, so I do. I bike 15 miles a day, and that is when I first see the Jesus-looking fellow.
Everyone in Winnipeg knows who he is. SO lately, myself witha great career and so on, I see him and offer him
a burger a couple of months ago. He did not want it. But just last Friday, I bump into him after a particularly
long night at the Club.

I say "So what's your story? Everyone worries about you you know.
You've practically walked your feet off walking non-stop up Corydon for the last five years and
I've seen you writing. Are you a writer?"

He says "My story? I'm poor , that's about it. I write some things."

So I give him 5 dollars (he asked) and he says he's going to catch the Film Noire film Festival, and he takes off again,

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