Shower gel

3 Conversations

Shower gel is generally a thick, semi-opaque gelatinous substance with two main functions:

To a man, it's shower gel. . .and it's for cleaning off dirt.

To a woman, it's vitamin E enriched, cleansing, toning, moisturising, soap free, 100% pure, foam bath with added aloe vera and jojoba root. . .and it will clean her, improve her smell, take ten years off her life, reduce her waistline, improve her job, her career prospects, sex and social life and add shine to her hair.
But that's all down to advertising.

Shower gel comes in plastic or glass containers, depending on how expensive it is, and smells of clean. It comes in a selection of colours, depending on it's aroma and supposed action e.g 'invigorating' (usually blue) or 'relaxing' (typically green). It is used in preference to soap as it doesn't dry your skin, apparently. Some people don't use either, they should be avoided.

Despite it's name, shower gel does not have to be used in the shower. It is sometimes used in the bath as well, but could be used anywhere.

You can get shower gel with bits in it; these bits have no real reason for existing but can add an awful amount to the value of the product.
For a cheaper alternative, ordinary shower gel can be applied with sand paper.

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