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A reasonably small, green island off the north coast of Wales. About twice the size of the Isle of Wight, and with a population of a twenty thousand or so (N.B. these statistics are wildly inaccurate, but it is doubtful that anybody else will know what they really are anyway).

One of the most Welsh-speaking parts of Wales, its historical highlights include being the place which almost did not get ransacked by the Romans when they invaded Britain (druids and mad women lined the southern shores by the Menai Strait, and shouted at the unwelcomed visitors a lot - a tradition that is carried on today, much to the annoyance of the borough councils); being home of the Prince's Court (in Aberffraw, to be exact) for a large number of years a millennium or so ago (the place is now home to a disturbing amount of sand); and that a large number of ships have sunk in its vicinity.

Frequented for no apparent reason by tourists throughout the summer, Anglesey is mostly made up of fields, trees, sheep, farms and a mountain that isn't really one at all.

Evaluation: Reasonably harmless.

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