Congealed Consumer

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Now this is a phenomonon that occurs in any shop. i'll set the scene...
Your minding your own buisness looking at a perticular CD in a Shop. in the shop are 3 people, You, the cashier and some one else (for the sake of argument we will call them Mr X). your standing there browsing the CD section, it could be the most obscure Cd in existence (lets say the TooL EP "Opiate"), Mr X will at first move to with in 2M distance, slowly moving closer and closer, as if browsing along the alphabet, when directly next to you he will stop, and stand for a good few minuets. if you watch his action, he will flick a few CD backwards and forwards, look around flick the same few CD's backwards and forwards, (as if a new one will appear). Then when he see's your fully engrosed in your 'soon to be purchase' he will swoop over and reach across you Flick a few more CD's RIGHT infront of you. and then walk away out of the shop, Mr X will not stop to look at anything else he will just exit the shop giving a disgrunteld nod to the cashier.
The reason for this behavoir is unknown.
No one will admit to have ever done it.
I am the first victim to come forward.
Help me research this phenomonon.

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