Aldborough, Norwich, Norfolk

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Aldborough is a small village of about 700 people in north norfolk, UK. It is around 700 years old, and is based round a central village green on which football and cricket are played in winter and summer. There is a post office, shop, butchers, and 2 pubs - "The Black Boys", and "The Old Red Lion"

The village originally was situated about 1.5 miles to the south, where aldborough church is situated now. But the plaugue of 1666 was responsible for the migration of the village to its present position. (my house is alledgedly right on the old plague pit! - and used to be called Poison Green)

Every summer in July a travelling fair comes, bound by the 400 year old by-law that if they fail to arrive by midsummers day they loose the right to come at all. This brings in 1000's of people over the 3 day event and it is then that the village rocks! (if you can believe that)

The surrounding countryside is basically arable farming, as is much of the pancake-like norfolk flat-lands. Summers are long and reasonably warm, except fo when it rains, but once you hit september it all goes to pot and the steroetypical english weather cuts back in.

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