Remote Controllers

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If there was ever an invention that defined a generation it has to be the Remote Controller. The Combustion engine, the wheel, the Slinky, all great inventions of our time. Then we have the remote controller. Sleek, Slimline, battery operated, lost. are all phrases commonly linked to our plastic time saver. Where would we be without the remote....i'll tell you where, lying in bed watching a re-re-re-re-re-re-run of Sgt Bilko at 3AM. but the remote stops all this, now without moving the rarther leagnthy 2m to the TV, we can simply click a button and up pops women running down sunny beaches in bikinis,(who obviously burned there Bra's in the 60's, because beleive me these women are not supported).
Many a happy day has been spent clutching my friend, with a happy grin on my face. he doesnt mind, he acctually kind of enjoys the attention. and i enjoy pushing his buttons. one minuete, CNN the next ESPN then the Playboy channel,(before i realise i havent paid the Cable bill for a while and it all scrambles). All this without having to move an inch.
He also enjoys a game a hide and seek every so often, just when Sunset Beach starts and you NEED to record it on Video, Our little touch sensitive pal will go missing.......such good memories....... "where is he" you will cry, ripping cusions off chairs, dogs off pillows. where was he ?, the same place he always was. Sitting snugly down the side of the chair next to an M&M and the orange sweater your gran knitted you 2 birthdays ago.
The Remote Controller, Gods greatest gift.

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