Chocolate Mousse

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Mousse: thick or thin?

People nowadays just can't make proper Chocolate Mousse.Why not? Is it because the world population today no longer cares? I doubt that! The thing is, they're getting the whole thing wrong. The general thought for moussers is that it should be ceamy and light. But I say "What use is a creamy mousse?" You can't fill up on just one: people need more and more to get the satisfaction one used to be able to get on just one perfectly sized dishing of mousse. The truth is, you see, that REAL mousse is thick creamy, and most of all, FILLING. Filling inside, that is, not stuff you put between pieces of bread in a sandwich (an interesting experiment, though).


You see, you can enhance the consumer's enjoyment by simply adding extras. For example, try strawberries, for a bizarre taste contrast. However, an old favourite, especially in the Allen household, is to put little macaroons inside. Not only as a great taste/texture experience, put also a great treasure-finding game (only for the terminally bored, mind you).

Try anything!

In conclusion, then as long as it's thick and filling, you can add anything. Be creative - and add suggestions below!

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