Where are all the gentlemen?

2 Conversations

I have a problem. I´ve been told that there are lots of gentlemen on this planet. I haven´t met anybody yet. It seems to me that the males of the species are rude, badly dressed and love nothing more than watching soccer games and drinking beer. What happened to strolling in the moonlight, picking flowers to the woman of your dreams and generally being a softie?
Have I misunderstood something, or is the gentleman a fictional character only found in romance novels? I have been to places usually frequented by males (mostly pubs and other pubs) and they all seem to care about nothing else than themselves. On the other hand, if I´m not mistaken, the females of the species doesn´t live up to their reputation either. They´re a bit selfish, right? And I guess you can´t blame the males for gathering in places where a female wouldn´t be found dead! They need a break, I guess. This is turning into a rather nasty direction....
I´ll rest my case. I don´t think there are many gentle women either!
Thank you for listening......

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