Middle Lane

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This place exists in every major transport artery in the known universe,
and is more congested than the Arturian Megadonkey was right before
it sneezed out the universe. Experienced hitch hikers will recognise the
middle lane as the one that drivers consider their exclusive personal
space, and they'll do whatever speed they like there thank you very
much. Middle lane occupants never break speed limits. Not ever. Not
even when they venture into the outside lane to overtake some idiot
who should be in the inside lane, but isn't.

Leaving the middle lane
scares the heebees out of middle lane occupants, but usually not as
much as some-idiot-who-should-be-in-the-inside-lane annoys him.
Thus they overcome their fear of those
aggressive-maniac-speed-freaks who are only in the outside lane to
painlessly pass middle lane occupants. Middle Lane occupants
would never be caught in the inside lane for fear of being confused with
some-idiot-who-should-be-in-the-inside-lane who actually is in the
inside lane.

The most empty space in the known universe is the inside

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