Adventure of Link (Zelda II) for GameCube-surviving and fighting the beginning part of the game
Created | Updated Sep 16, 2006
The first thing is to figure out that the wandering monsters only appear when you are not on the road. You can avoid being encountered by them if you have triggered them accidentally by running back to the road and staying there. They will still put you on an Action Screen, but no monsters will show.
The second thing is to realize at the beginning of the game that none of these groups of monsters are worth fighting. Getting touched by the spear carriers in the forest setting removes 10 experience points and the spiders and red and blue blobs are only worth two. They may too-rarely-to-be-useful drop a bag full of experience or a jar of magic, but they never drop hearts like in the other games. Practice your jumping to avoid them all because you will need this skill in fights later.
There is a experience bag in the sole sqare of forest surrounded by desert, and this is worth braving the monsters to pick up. After that, follow the road to the city in the lower right of the road's length where you can learn the Shield spell. The only way to get new magic without dying or risking serious maiming is to go to Ruto, which is on the other end of the road from this city. There's an orange old lady who works like the healing lady in the original city.
After you got your new spell and are all stocked up, head through the cavern in the forest that is in the UR corner of your start area. The cavern will be dark, you can't fix this just now. Keep your eye out for the effect of the monster blocking out a few pixels on the floor after the second time you jump up. This particular monster will rush at you, and it's a low monster. Stabbing while standing up will not work. So, wait until it's far away across the screen as possible as best you can tell, drop down, and immediately crouch and start stabbing at the same time. Since it charges you, it will run into your sword.
When you are through the desert, you will want to make a path broken by jinks to the UR of it. If you get caught with a small wandering monster, all you have to do is either block the flying rocks or jump over them. Waist high rocks you can safely just walk into. Low rocks you have to stop and crouch to block. If it's a large wandering monster, long snaky monsters. You cannot pass them without getting hurt. Stab them once, they will shrink down so you can stab them when you crouch, or if the coast is clear of rocks, jump over them. Stabbing them when you crouch is problematical because they seem to take more hits than you can deal out before they grow up again and you will have to dodge rocks all the while this is happening, so best jump over them for now. They are worth 5 xp, so you'd have to kill a lot of them to gain enough experience before dying. There's a better monster to fight in the dungeon palace.