Jonny Ball

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Popular British Children's Television Presenter of the late 1970s to late 1980s.

It has been calculated that his cheeky, cheerful approach to science has done more for the promotion of the subject than Issac Newton or his Apple have achieved in three centuries.

His use of comical characters to entice rational thinking amongst younger lifeforms, has earned him much respect in scientific circles. Indeed, the most prolific Physicist of the era, Dr Stephen Hawking said of him:

"Yeah, that cat Ball is hoopier than a freak-out on a binary-quasar"

although some sources say that this is probably the greatest misquote of all time.

Johnny Ball himself has little or no idea of the extent of his influence over the scientific world, and under the specially designed code of secrecy created by the world's remaining and jealous scientists, will never know, due to the immense feeling of superiority it would cause, and the subsequent air of smugness that everyone else would consequently have to endure.

If you should ever meet with Jonny Ball, on no account should you draw attention to his scientific importance, or ask after his daughter, Zoe, who is far, far more successful than he will ever be and should therefore never be mentioned in his presence.

Currently, he also goes under the pseudonym of "Lord of the Ring" (see seperate entry on this subject)

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