Childrens Television Presenters

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This social group is widely considered to be the second most annoying people on the Earth and hold little respect from any party.

In fact, any party that they do, by some miscalculation or mistake get invited to, usually disperses approximately 5.7 minutes after their arrival and subsequent anecdote about the pitfalls of working with puppetry on live television.

You can spot a Children's Presenter by observing their three most prominent characteristics:-

1. Brightly coloured clothing (especially dungarees)
2. A bright, almost alarmingly cheerful smile at all times.
3. A genuine interest in listeing to gabbering adolescents during live phone-ins.

Children's Television Presenters are also unique in the career development structure by being the only known career group in existence where the more talent and charisma you have, the less likely you are to succeed in the industry.

See also Annoying People - Top 3 on the Planet

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