Wichita, Kansas, USA

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Okay, look at a map of the US. Now point to the very center and find the state with all the wheat. If there's a lot of corn you're too far north, if there's red dirt you're too far south, if there's inbreeding you're too far east and if there's something interesting to look at like mountains you're too far west. (The interesting state is Colorado by the way and they stole our mountains back in the day, yes my friends, Kansas had something interesting in it before Colorado came around. If you'd like to sign my petition to get rid of Colorado and give us back our land let me know. ) As far as Wichita goes, all we have to say is that we make airplanes/jets. We have several plants that make them including Boeing, Cessna, LeerJet, and Raytheon-previously Beech. Other than that we also have a lot of dance clubs and we're trying to beautify our city. We've adopted a new state animal, color and motto. The traffic cone, neon orange, and "If you can get there without a detour, you're not in Wichita!" There is one thing to say for Kansans though, we're very nice. Later folks!

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