Yo-Yo's - Insensative Recreational Devices

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Yo-Yo's are possibly the least sensitive form of entertainment since the now outlawed blind rabbit throwing of Huntingdon.

Their blatent disreguard for the Laws of Gravityare so strong that upon throwing one to the ground, they will quite often spin offensively at the ground and then speed back upwards.

It has been said that if Sir Issac Newton had not been hit on the head by an apple, but instead a plastic Yo-Yo had startled him and then promptly shot back up into the direction it had originated from, it would probably have lead to mankind's complete and utter failure to comprehend gravity, and subsequently made everyone a lot happier*.

A Yo-Yo is made from two rounded discs with a linking spindle, around which cheap string is wound and attached to the third or index finger. The operator then holds the wound device in their hand and hurls it to the ground, with the expectations that it will shoot back again.

This indifference to gravity will only take place if the user has the required knowledge as to how to make it achieve this seemingly pointless task.

The small percentage of people who can acheive this, are then subject to an involuntary idiosyncratic state, in which they feel compelled to try and make others attempt the feat and gloat over their failed attempts.

It should be noted that those suffering from the next level of psychosis in this condition have been outlawed by ninety eight percent of all social groups. Their distinctive characteristics are easily spotted at recreational functions, and have been allotted the un-respectful name of super-annoyistic trickstunterphiles.

* Except Airlines, of course, but they hardly matter.

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