Non-inclusive, rough guide to some pubs/bars in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire UK

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Basically a by foot guide to pubs you'll encounter in the order you will encounter them, on leaving my house...

The Man on the Moon

This pub serves no drinkable real ale, lagers but mainly alcopops to its largely underaged clientel. It has a widescreen TV for showing football. The pub used to be a popular haunt with students from teh nearby APU/ARU University, but is largely taken over now by underaged drinkers and has an horrid atmosphere. The pubs interiour is in desperate need of being redocerated, and the only thing the pub has going for it is the live music they frequently host.

The alazandra arms

Located at the Norfolk Street end of Guiver street this Greenking pub has a varied atmosphere from lively town pub to quiet 'pub for the locals'. The pub serves food from a varied menu, and has several 'special food nights', including a curry night and a steak night (not sure if they still do this or not). Teh pub runs a quizz on Sunday evenings, and ocasionally has live music. They have a widescreen TV for showing of football matchs etc, but more normally have music playing (though not normally over loud). The beers normally sold include IPA, with guest beers such as Ruddles county, AleFresco, Speckled Hen Reveret James, Old Bob, amongst others useually to be found in pairs on the beer list. Guinnes and a range of lagers are also sold. This is the most expensive pub en route as regards the price of their Guiness. Often only have three beer on, IPA, a Guest ale and speckled hen, but often two guests.

The Alex opens till 11 PM most nights of the week but has an extended licience at the weekend, opening to midnight on Friday and Saturday, and 11 PM on Sunday's (may actually be open to 1 AM now on Friday and SAturday butr not sure).
Nice area at the rear of the pub, decking, and tables, quite sheltered, but no 'roof/cover, have heaters, nice to sit out and have a smoke so long as its not wet or freezing cold, good in the summer.

The Cambridge Blue

This pub, loacated on Guiver street and whcih takes its name from the Cambridge/Oxford Boat race colours, is located nearby the Alex, midway up Guiver street (on the way to the Kingston arms). It serves food and a good range of real ales. This was a non smoking pub before the UK wide ban on smoking came in. It has recently been taken over, but the new owners if anything are extending its real ale provision even further. The local branch of CAMRA often meets in this pub, which has a wide rang eof real ales, bottled belgium/european beers, a goodly choce of whisksy too and a good wine list, does food.
No real smoking area, cept for just out of the pub on the pavement.

The Kingston Arms

Located on Kingston street this smallish mid-terrace pub is well renouned for its food as well as its range of real ales. A point for those who drink lager is that the pub stopped sellign lager all together a few years back; this happened as they were getting trubble from certain patrons of the pub, and the change to only selling real ales and no lagers entirely removed this problem.
Regular beers include summer lightening, entire stout, tim taylors, and useually a relaly good wide selection of other real ales. Small pub, can get crowded, nice real fire, good garden area at the rear, which is covered, handy for having a smoke.

The Swan

Colocialy known as 'the swimmer', this Greenking pub has two large bars and normally a very lively atmosphere. Asides IPA and Abbot, the pub has guinness and useually two guest ales, which often includes AleFresco, Reverent james, speckled hen old Bob etc; useually the same or simular to the guest beers at the Alex.

The Live and Let Live

USeually refered to as 'the Live' by locals this pub has a large range of well kept real ales. Probably equal to, or nearly equal too the range at the Cambridge Blue, though often they tend to be a very differnt range of beers, very small insside, quickly gets full, no extended licience/opening times. Pub opens straight on to a narrow pavement, which is the only area suitable for having a smoke...

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