Malaysian media putting a strain on Movies, Songs, Cartoons & Anime

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<star> Missing scenes (that are of significant importance to the story) of movies. No X'mas movies for X'mas on the local telly (unless you have Astro). Missing lyrics & music of songs, like the Celine Dion album. The tendency of Malaysian radio stations to NOT play X'mas songs when the Yuletide comes. Missing scenes of cartoons & Japanese Anime, like what has happened to Card Captor Sakura, The Secret Of Akko Chan & Samurai X. The unnecessary language change of cartoons & Anime to Malay, like the English versions of PokeMon, Yugi-Oh, Sonic X & Zoids. These are only a few of the problems Malaysian media has created. They give excuses why, but through my research I found out that they're mostly 1-sided. Read on to find out why:

[Excuse 1]-Most scenes from movies, cartoons & Anime are not appropiate for a certain number of viewers.
[The Truth]-This is mostly nonsense, since 90% of removed scenes aren't even too scary/disgusting/sexual/shocking for the general viewers. This is because those 'responsible' in the TV stations wanted to make the movie/cartoon/Anime shorter so they can play more advertising video clips & earn more money. Given a movie that lasts for 2 hours = 1 hour movie + 1 hour advertisements.

[Excuse 2]-Original X'mas songs are hard to come by for radio stations. X'mas programmes can be watched on Astro.
[The Truth]-No X'mas movies & animations on TV for X'mas. No X'mas songs on radio for the Yuletide. No choirs. No decorations. No banners. No X'mas trees. No bells. Kids who don't even know who Prancer is. What else is they left to say? Face it. In many parts of Malaysia, the Christmas Spirit is dying.

[Excuse 3]-Radio stations have very tight schedules, so some songs have to be shorten to accomodate with the limited time. Sometimes the DJs have to stop a song for some important informatin/news.
[The Truth]-Radio DJs want shorter songs so they could open their mouths & blab more.

[Excuse 4]-The Malaysian Government & authorities want to encourage the usage of the Malay language & decided to switch the language of certain cartoons & Anime, including English ones, into Malay. This is aimed at the younger audience as to help them get a kickstart to using the Malay Language at an early age.
[The Truth]-This is a really lousy excuse, since all the Malay-transformed cartoons & Anime use terrible Malay. The Malay language used in this cartoons & Anime are so bad, you'd puke. It's that bad! I get mostly a C for most of my Bahasa Melayu tests & exams when I was in school, but even I was shocked by the extremely terrible usage of the Malay language in cartoons & Anime. Plus, not all Anime are for kids. The totally lifeless & unnatural voice-acting doesn't help either. These will only give the kids more reason NOT to watch them & this in turn will cause the number of viewers to drop!

This research is based on a survey made on several people from different age groups & races.
This post is NOT intended to bring any bad publishity toward any authorities regarding the matters mentioned above.

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