Coventry University, UK

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Coventry Univeristy ( UK ), is situated in the very centre of Coventry, and about 20 minutes from Birmingham. The university, is located directly opposite the famous Coventry Cathedral, and, being in the city centre, has excellent facilities.

Transport : The main Coventry bus-depot is situated 100 yards from the main university building, and runs regular services to many locations, both inside and outside the city. For those that wish to travel further on public transport, the bus-depot is also the pick-up/drop-off point for the National Express coach service, which covers long-distance road journeys, while the local train station, under 15 minutes walk away, offers constant access to the UK's comprehensive rail network. For those with your own transport, the university has several car-parks, while the ring-road offers access, via several main roads, to the countries extensive road and motorway network. Coventry has a small airport, but Birmingham International, one of the largest in the country, is easily accessible, both by train and road.

Entertainment : For those cinema buffs, of the two main cinemas in Coventry, the Odeon and the Showcase, the Odeon is situated on the edge of the campus, while the other is based at an entertainment complex on the outskirts of the city. The complex houses several restaurants, as well as a bowling alley, and some specialist games centres, as well as the cinema itself. If clubbing is more your thing, then the university has it's very own night-club ( The Planet ), while Coventry boasts several smaller clubs, or for those who want to travel, Birmingham's nightlife is only a short journey away. For those who prefer live entertainment, Coventry's theatre, "The Belgrade", is only a 5 minute walk away, and houses productions all year long. The National Indoor Arena, and the National Exhibition Centre ( NIA & NEC ), can also be visited, along with Birmingham's other theatre's, and live-entertainment clubs.

Sports : The university itself has a small sports facility just off campus, but as the city's main sports centre is located on the very edge of the campus, the university uses that for many sporting events. If watching professionals, is more your style, then the Coventry City Football Club, is located just up the road from the university, and again the NIA and NEC, host many national and some international events.

Food & Drink : The university caters for all tastes, and has several on-site cafe's/restaurants, not forgetting the Students Union bar. Also, many of the city's pubs and cafe's are located in the city centre, so there's never a shortage of places to eat. Many also give student discounts, making a good meal, into a great meal.

For more detailed information, see the Coventry University homepage at

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