The original Macintosh Portable

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The original Apple laptop was barely something that one could carry, and only 100-metre athletes would have legs strong enough to support its weight on their lap. It was seen, as far as I know, as the type of product that completely failed to meet the design requirements. It was a child of the late 1980s, and only until 1991, when the PowerBook 100 was released, did Apple atone for their portable-computer sins.

Apple Computer seems to have dilligently buried away, or removed entirely, their information on the Portable from their website. I suppose it is only natural to try and hide away such an embarrassing machine.

In any event, I was recently educated on the sheer monstrosity of the Portable when I came across one as I helped clear out an old computer store. I vaguely wanted to keep it, but in the end I threw the overwieght, overlarge device, which sported far too many ports, an appalling little monocrome LCD screen and a stupidly big trackball, into the dump.

In the future, if I can find more detailed information regarding the portable, I suppose that I will throw it in. For now, I thought I'd get my rant out into the Guide.

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