Inland Empire, California, USA

3 Conversations

Some people live the California dream, and others just dream it. Those
who are caught in between live in the Inland Empire, a grandiose name for an
area completely devoid of any of the things that make California fun to
live in.

The Inland Empire covers an area
approximately 60 miles east
of Los Angeles and 120 miles north of San Diego. It contains several cities
of moderate population but little importance nestled in a
valley that isn't quite desert, but aspires to be someday.

The Inland Empire boasts nothing except proximity. If you want to go
skiing, the mountain resorts are only 20 miles away. If you want to go to
the beach, it is about 40 miles away. If you want to experience the
night life of a major city, LA is only 60 miles away. Disneyland is nearby.
Water parks are all around. Las Vegas is just a few hours' drive.

This underdeveloped dustbowl originally began as a bedroom
community; people lived here but worked in Orange County or Los Angeles.
The entire area consists of houses and strip malls. In some ways this makes
it sound
like a suburban sanctuary, but this is not the case. The area is rather
poor, and gangs and drugs have as strong a hold here as in any inner city.

So why would people live there?

  • Space. This is one of the few areas in Southern California where you
    can still buy a two-story house with a two-car garage and a back yard big
    enough for a swimming pool.

  • Price. That house costs much less here than in other areas closer to
    the coastline.

  • Climate. Sure, the smog gets held in by the surrounding mountains,
    but lungs are a small price to pay for the family that just moved out from
    Michigan and saw the sun for 3 days a year.

  • Ignorance. Some people just don't know any better.

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