The Hitchhikers Guide to Hereford

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Hereford, historical city of the marches. Situated on the border between England and Wales, abouthalf way down it. Hereford is a quaint little city with something to interest most people. A cathedral houses the infamous Mappa Mundi, and an old black and white house in the centre of town is another point of interest for tourists. Most main shops are in residence, such as Woolworths and Marks and Spencers. A bowling alley sits on the outskirts of town, on Aylestone hill, and, coupled with ABC Cinema on Commercial Road, suffices for entertainment in the area. Clubs of note include Eros (next to the cinema) and The Crystal Rooms (Bridge Street). For fitness fans, there's a Leisure Centre on Holmer Road just outside town, and a swimming pool next to the river. Eateries worth visiting are Cafe Uno, next to the town library, and Doodies, in St.Owens street, along with, of course, the ever present McDonalds in the centre of town. Tips for travellers - 1) The centre of town is one way 2) Only catch the bus if you really know what you're doing and 3) Try to look middle class. Everyone speaks English so a babel fish is not required. Citizens are mostly harmless, and feel free to approach without apprehension.

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