Smelly Feet

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Smelly feet, curse that has haunted mankind since the beggining of history.
Making a special appearance in Greek amd Roman literature, a big feature in the new testament smelly feet have been with us since feet have. What causes this plague though? Why is that within minutes of stepping out of the shower having
thouroughly scrubbed between the toes that distictive cheesy aroma is starting to reappear? Then you get to super smelly feet, everyone must either know someone suffering from this affliction, or maybe have been unlucky enough to suffer themsleves.
This is smellyness on a scale eclipses usual feet, this is the smell of foot flesh rotting. I contracted this condition myself once upon moving into a new house. Despite the room I moved into having been empty for several weeks there was a pungeunt whiff
in the air. I realised that it was the carpet itself that was impreganted with this smell, and after taking my first bath there I contracted whatever it was that lived in my carpet. Before long I was banned from removing my shoes from all my friends houses,
I was aware of this unpleasent smell at work and realised that it was in fact my feet. Until the carpet was changed there was nothing I could do to banish this affliction. Who knows what causes this? Who knows how many unhappy sufferes there are suffering
from plummeting self esteem through know fault of thier own? How many relationships have been destoyed?

What can be done to vanquish this evil curse?

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