Cyberchat & Cyber-inferiority complex

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One of the more popular side-effects of the Internet is definitely the ability to talk to people in on-line "chat-rooms". This certainly helps people get over their fear of being personally rejected by others based on their physical appearance.
However, some people (usually ugly people) take this too far. Instead of basking in the warm glow of acceptance the chat-room could give them, they take it as a chance to vent all the pent-up feelings of resentment these emotionally challenged people harbour. They do this by being the most unpleasant, offensive and generally perverted person they can. This gives them the giddy thrill of convincing themselves that they are rejecting someone else. They will thrive on this power and continue to do so until someone comes around to their house and beats the living snot out of them.
The effect this has on both other people and the reputation of the aforementioned chat-rooms is extremely negative. Most people will just mutter in disgust and turn the other cheek at these agressive little balls of spite, but some more naive people will take their rantings and ravings to heart and be seriously offended.
My advice to those people is: DON'T BE. You are superior to those spite-balls and they feel so too. Otherwise they wouldn't insult you or be offensive. If you pay any attention to them they will continue to bully you until you become one of them.
As for the reputation of chat-rooms, that is also somewhat deceptive. Many chat-rooms are full of perfectly civilized Star Trek fans, middle-aged philatilists and computer programmers. Try one and see.

Next time you see someone giving abuse on-line, or indeed if you abuse someone yourself, stop and think for a moment about what that individual has become and why.

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