Maglev Hovercars

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Maglev Hovercars are Hovercars made with several Super Magnets, of both the attraction and repelling presuasion. They do not exist yet.

1. Road Magnets - Repelling
These magnets are rolled onto the road smoothly.

2. Bottom Magnets - Both
The repelling magnets will lift the hovercar up into the air, however, it would make it fly wayy too high up with no way out without death from falling. We wouldn't want thayt, no would we? I thought not. That's where the attraction magnets come in. They act as a counterweight of sorts, keeping the hovercar at a reasonable distance from the ground.

3. Movement Inducing Magnets - Repelling
The car (besides the glass windows) is covered with repelling magnets, and there's a bar with a 90 degree angle supplying another magnet, forcing the car to go in the direction away from the magnet.


The Mechanics of such a transportation device does not involve an engine, but rather, a series of gears placed above the magnets turned by the steering wheel and a pole. There's also a brake pedal. No acceleraion. Are you mad? You're already going to be going roughly 500 mph!


Inside, it's empty except for the driver seat, pedal, and steering wheel. This makes the inside completly customizabe. Like a apartment on magnets.

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