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Bubbles are amazing phenomenah. Not only do they have the ability to hover, drift, vacillate hypnotically and entertain small children for hours, if not years, with giggles, open mouth wonder and playfull chases that often end up with a "watch out for that car!" call from their parents, but they clean stuff too.

There are many stories in bubble lore of just how clean they get stuff, lots of stuff, and many bubble advocates think that if MacBeth hadn't spent so much time muttering "Out, Out damned spot" and just found some soap, he could have avoided a lot of hassles down the road. But what is perhaps the most mystic of bubble behavior is the British approach to the bubble process. Most cultures agree: bubbles are great, but they must eventually be washed away. The washing away usually leads to a state called "clean." However, the British tend to leave their bubbles. On their dishes, on their pets, on themselves. Perhaps is it is due to the a sense of awe, a missing rinsing gene in the gene pool, a form of rebellion, the belief that what you can't see can't hurt you or some weird idea that it is too much effort to use just a bit more water. It will rain later anyway. I personally think that it is due to some cultural stop gap and no one taught them otherwise.

Bubbles: don't worry, we'll make more.

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