A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Seventeen - "Welcome to Big School"

FF17 - Week Six

Post 41


Let me assure you, Orcus, I haven't thrown in the smiley - towel just yet, despite an undeniably erratic start to this campaign. The table still hasn't been updated, but by my arithmetic I'm now in a clear fourth place, the natural order of things between myself and Master B having been restored this week. I'm handily placed to start the same sort of surging run smiley - run that carried me to the title in the World Cup season. I'll be back! smiley - cool

FF17 - Week Six

Post 42

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

we won't talk about the WC, no really we won't...

FF17 - Week Six

Post 43

Demon Drawer

Well pending any pool panels I make it

1. me[Andy]g 40
2. Nirvanite 37
3. Orcus 36
4. Ormondroyd 30
5. Mu Beta 27
6. Yakusmaximus 26
7. Demon Drawer 25
7. GreyDesk 25
9. McKay The Disorganised2 23
9. Psycorp 23
11. Bottletop 22
11. MegaCheda 22
11. riotact1 22
14. Number Six 13
15. Egon3 6

me[Andy]g topped the heap with all five results right and the only correct first scorer with AGBONLAHOR

FF17 - Week Six

Post 44


Yeah, well the server went phut didn't it. I had no chance of doing anything yesterday. I'll have a crack at doing something this evening, maybe.

FF17 - Week Six

Post 45


Thank you for holding the fort, DD smiley - ok It's a shame that you got two of them wrong though. And there was me thinking what with your political affiliations that you would good at counting up to low numbers smiley - tongueout

There is only one player worth mentioning this week, and that is the great performance by me[Andy]g. A substantial 13 points - that's five points higher than those in second place (McKay, Orcus and myself) - and more impressively, at least to a gambler such as myself, getting the result right in all five games. Now that's got to be worth a couple of hundred quid on a ten pound stake. Well done, Sir smiley - applausesmiley - wowsmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

FF17 - Week Six

Post 46

Demon Drawer

I was still smarting after Bellamy hit the post. smiley - winkeye

And LuaLua did the same this week to affect my PhPh score. GRR!!!

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