Note to sub-editor #1
Created | Updated Mar 18, 2002
Max, a note for your eyes only, but... well, look, I don't
know anything about Generation X-ers but Royce Pulvertaft said it's one of those
buzzwords... frankly I suspect they're all nasty little morons listening to
"rap-hop" and "house garage" music played by "scrunchers"
in those horrible baggy "luggage pants" which make them all look as
thought they've got elephantiasis, not to mention their ridiculous "softball
hats" on back to front. Kids today, right?
Anyway, Max, the point is that
I don't actually know what I'm talking about - for all I know, Motley
Crue might not even be fashionable any more - so I am relying on you to keep
me "groovy" and an up-to-the-minute "hep cat", okay? Let
me down and my good friend Mister Smack-In-The-Face
will be round to pay you a visit.