Bus Timetables

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Bus timetables, and indeed many othe forms of timetables, are a curious phenomenom. I shall explain my reasoning
for this statement. I once was late for my connecting bus from Swansea to Cardiff, and because the first bus I caught
was running late, as far as I was concerned, it was the fault of the bus company (both busses were run by the same
company), so I went to speak with the guy who was in charge of this sort of thing, and he was at the time half way
through an argument with someone else who caught the same bus as me.

The guy from the bus companie's argument was "Busses are always late on a Monday" and that we should have
known better and got an earlier bus. So basically, they put money into having the bus timetables printed and
designed and what have you, amd basically, they cant be bothered to have a statement on the timetables, saying
buses will be late on a Monday.


Bus companies take note.

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