Rogue: Analysis

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My attempt at 'Throwback' like Spare Parts this story deals with the internal nature of the Cyber mindscape. How they truly function, how one new convert function or behave when it started to realise who it was?

Artrem, another Time Lord remains briefly throughout before cemong another Cybermen by creatures that are not all talk and chat but ruthless, emotionless machines.

Cybermen here, while taking the design roots from Real Time allow for an interesting idea of what it would be like to be converted but then to retain your emotions, such as Kroton the Cyberman from the comics.

Such great details occur during part two when the creature starts to realise that there is something wrong with it, anxiety develops as does a conscience in the creature becoming a living, thinking being.

For Time Lords I would imagine that conversion would be different, if the brain remains intact, then regeneration is still possible?

The story remain as my second attempt at expanding the 'Whoniverse' refreshing and adds to what has been done before.

Artrem, a renegade Time Traveller has finally escaped Gallifrey and now seeks to meditate but unfamiliar danger looms out of the darkness condemning to a fate worse than death.

Cybermen have taken the world and no one it seems can stop their plans except perhaps for a possibility within their own ranks?

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