The Analects of Dmitri Gheorgheni
Created | Updated Aug 4, 2006

- Never let anybody know who's really in charge.
- There's a reason for everything.
- Don't try to teach your grandfather to suck eggs.
- Not everything's a smegging metaphor.
- It takes more than wisdom to know your own father in this being's galaxy.
- There's not a reason for everything.
- There's no conflict between Free Will and Predestination. Predestination is merely back-vectoring.
- It is not a crime to like Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. It is a crime to try to run a starship on Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.
- A man never stoops so low as when he reaches to disappoint a Gael.
- The true meaning of the number 'forty-two' is that the Lord reserves to himself the right to be arbitrary.