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Dear Arrogant Geocentrics,

Look, the deal is, there's this poor little asteroid (PLA) and a big nasty
asteroid, colloquially referred to as 'Earth', is rushing toward it. PLA
will be obliterated instantaneously, and has none of its own inhabitants
to protect its right to exist. As I see it, there are two ways of saving
PLA from utter anihilation. The first is to drill to the core of 'Earth'
and drop our nuclear arsenal down there to blow the whole thing up. The
second is to detonate the arsenal some where on the surface of 'Earth' so
as to redirect its path, maybe into the heart of the sun or some where
else where PLA will be safe.

Spacetime may be curved by the presence of massive objects, but that's no
reason why there shouldn't be a fair and level playing field in the game
of cosmic collision avoidance.

Donations for the
"Save the Poor Little Asteroid, Nuke the 'Earth'" fund may be sent
directly to me.

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