Stockholm Underground

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The underground in Stockholm (Sweden) is a truly amazing thing.
The trains are never on time, (exept when you are a little bit late of course)
The most infamous line is the green line. The shortest way between 2 points is a straight line, the longest way between 2 points is a green line!
Last year they invested an enormous amount of money on a brand new computerized trafic control.
With this system they were supposed to increase trafic. (Trains every 60 seconds)
The results?
Total stop in trafic for more than 4 hours at least once a week.
A lot of angry peaple late for work several days a week.....
Peaple complained and demanded that the undergroundcompany should pay for the taxi that peaple had to take in
order to get to work. (In Norway they have this kind of guarantee)
The company anwered that they are infact going to introduce this kind of guarantee, but not until the underground works.......
Last year they also introduced the new fanzy "Wagon 2000"
The first time they used them, the doors didn´t work. They didn´t open.....
The new trains were out of trafic for a month
This summer has been very hot in Stockholm.
Of course it´s not possible to open the windows.....
Did I mention that there is no air condition.....
The drivers of the trains almoust passed out in the drivers cabin with 60 degrees C...
The respond was to take all the trains out of trafic until it´s cooler.....
In the beginning of the summer the whole underground was sold to a french company....
The frenchmen are known for there ability to be on time.........

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