Vampires of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - An introduction

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The myth and reality of vampirism spans through millennia of folklore, appearing - in some form or another - within almost every culture, religion and country. The survival of the vampire legend can thank its continuing existence to the media, the multitudes of vampire movies and of course, Bram Stoker.

Modern myth of the Vampire

The modern idea of what a vampire is can owe itself to writer Bram Stoker. Dracula was published in 1897 and gave us our first insight into the 'fictional' world of vampirism, using a lot of the mythical ideals as his background.

Stoker's Dracula was Eastern European, a common factor in the history of vampirism; he was also shown as a gothic figure, a guise that has been attributed to many modern day 'real' vampire cults. However, one of the many misconceptions of the book are the vampire rules, Stoker only touched on these, it wasn't until the movie versions of Dracula that the rules were made clear.

Vampire Rules

  • Vampires need to feed on blood.
  • Vampires do not have a reflection.
  • Vampires may not enter a home or building without an invite.
  • Vampires must stay out of direct sunlight.
  • Vampires are allergic to garlic.
  • Vampires cannot enter holy grounds and fear crosses1.
  • To kill a vampire

  • A wooden stake through the heart.
  • Decapitation.
  • Holy Water.
  • Although these rules have been extended on, altered or used in differing manners by movie makers, the base rules have always stayed the same, even with Joss Whedon's vampires.

    The main differences have been in the characterisation of the vampire. Stoker's Dracula was soulless evil demon and for many years that was how the movies portrayed their vampires. It has only been in the past 10-15 years that movie makers have started to make changes to how they portrayed vampires, from Wesley Snipes' Blade to Brad Pitt's Louis2, movie makers were starting to portray vampires in a more human guise and by the end of the 20th century, vampires were seen as soulless demons, but not necessarily that evil.

    Joss Whedon's vampires

    Many Whedon fans would argue that the modern fictional vampire characterisations are as a direct result of Joss' own ideals. Joss portrayed his vampires in much the same way as Stoker, however, he did give them differing personalities and even (it could be argued) invented the idea of a vampire with a soul. Joss' vampires were seen as the darker side of the person who had been turned, even retaining a lot of the personality of their human self.

    Joss didn't want to portray the common characteristics of the average vampire. He knew that he would have vampires playing key roles
    and would have to give them distinct personalities.

    Joss introduced the likes of Angel3. As a soulless vampire he was probably the most cruel and vicious of all Joss' vampires. However, when we first see Angel he is actually ensouled and fighting on the side of good. This is enough of a turn from the norm, but Joss takes it a step further and introduces the idea of a vampire in love with a vampire slayer, namely Buffy. These two examples alone are enough evidence to prove how Joss wanted to portray these vampiric characters.

    Joss didn't stop there, he wanted to push these characters further and introduced many differing formats, all steering away from what was considered as the average vampire.

    Examples would include female vampires who were as strong and powerful as their male counterparts, seen in the likes of Drusilla and Sunday4. Many feminine vampiric roles of old had been shown as lesser vampires, portrayed as minions of their male master. This also helped to strengthen Joss' driving force behind the show, which was feminine power.

    There was also the dumb or not so bright vampire. Again, the vampires portrayed previously had invariably been shown as strong and quite intelligent. You could also argue that Joss added his own rule to be added to the list of vampire rules. That vampires, even newly risen ones, had an uncanny knowledge of martial arts.

    The most important aspect of all was that Joss allowed each of these characters to grow, just in the same way as all of his other characters. The best example of this was Spike. A vampire who had made a name for himself by killing slayers and killing several of his victims by driving railway spikes through their heads. Spike was sent through a roller coaster of emotions and life changing events, including a rather masochistic relationship with Buffy. All eventually leading to his heroic death while fighting the biggest evil of them all.

    For more information see - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - the TV series

    1This particular ideal has been altered on several occasions. Namely stronger/older vampires have not shown the fear of holy grounds and crosses. An aspect that Joss has used himself.2From the 1994 film 'Interview with the Vampire'.3Played by David Boreanez.4Played by Katharine Towne, in episode 4.1 Freshman.

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