Anya Biography

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A bundle of money which has been chained and padlocked
Born in 878 Anya was changed
from a Vengeance Demon into a
love-struck teenager a few years
ago. Quite a change as when she
was a demon she had specialised
in punishing men who had cheated
on their girlfriends. Anya ar-
rived in Sunnydale and began at
Sunnydale high. After granting
Cordelia’s wish that Buffy had
never come to Sunnydale, a big
mistake, Giles broke her amulet
and she was trapped in her teen-
agers body. During the sixth
season she became engaged to
Xander Harris, who later left her
standing at the alter. She then
regained her Demon powers but was
unable to punish Xander as no-one
would wish him any harm.

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