Html For telewest

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Internet Tools

Below is a link to kow page where he foes simalr things to what i do

Internet Links and programs

Telewest Products

if you want any of the product's below email me at
[email protected]

Internet Link

you can get intrernet accres througth tv email it is avabal with
  • google
  • Msn
  • Yahoo

  • I dont know if it is compatable with every site at the momenet il find out soon and as for telewet users you can look foward to tv internet througth your box with a new servies that starts soon il find out more.*

    telewest commands

    I Have commads that allow you yo brighten up your emails with color text and big font lettering.and other commands

    Personal signatures

    Send me your name or nick name and i will send you back a personal color signture !!
    (you must tell mew ho many letters are in the signature and the color's you want it in.if your name is hard to spell please send a full spelling of it

    link for h2g2

    If you want to get a link for h2g2.

    If you want any of these products email me at
    [email protected]

    all these products are free!!)

    Contacting me

    If you wanna email me about the prodcuts or any problmes or changes,email me my clicking on the link
    Email me !! ]

    Or if you can not see the address to email it is
    [email protected]

    Other Sites

    below is a list f other sites that i have done on h2g2.

    1All these product's are free and any one can use them there are not how ever to be used for personal profit

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