Slogk, and other spillage.

1 Conversation

Below is a work-in-progress, an attempt to identify and name certain occurances of everyday life that heretofore lack a properly fitting name.
Slogk-n. 1)An unit of liquid measure, the size of which is determined by the curcumferance of the opening of the vessel from which the liquid is being poured. One slogk is the ammount of liquid that comes out before a bubble of air must enter the vessel to replace it. (2) The liquid that comes out of the top of a safety cup (such as a travel mug of coffee)and gets onto ones lightly coloured clothing. "I got some slogk on by blouse this morning."
v. 3)the act of pouring a liquid such that it comes out in spurts between air bubbles. (4)Also the act of a liquid splashing out of a hole in the top of a safety cup (such as the aforementioned mug), usually onto whatever lightly coloured clothing one is wearing. "The coffee slogked onto my blouse."
see also 'Glugg'

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