Humphrey the camel.

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Humphrey the camel is pale blue and used to live in the coal hole. He is about 1 metre tall and has 3 humps. I hope you won't think I was cruel to Humphrey, but I didn't keep him in the coal hole, he made his own choice to stay there, and when he left to go on his travels as suddenly as he arrived we were all upset.

I suppose thats in the nature of camels. He sent us a couple of post cards to let us know he was O.K. but we haven't heard from him for over two years now.

If you see him, he is quite friendly, so perhaps you could tell him how much he is missed.

Oolon Coluphids golden tendril theory is somewhat paralell to Humphrey...he is now walking the universe a free spirit and a small part of my existence goes with him.

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