Paper - A Useful Resource

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Paper is a thin, flat material made from usually natural fibres, mostly composed of cellulose. These fibres are commonly derived form the pulp of pulpwood trees such as spruce, but cotton, hemp, linen and rice can also be used.
Paper is a very useful resource, as the title states. It can be used for many differnt things.


1) You can shove it up your nose when you have a nosebleed (SEE Paper in Medical Science)
2) Write ‘Kick Me’ on it and sticky tape it to someone’s back (SEE Practical Jokes Involving Paper)
3) You can use it as toilet paper
4) You can use it as a napkin (SEE Paper in Restaurants)
5) You can wave it in front of people intelligently reciting the various clauses and subclauses contained within it (SEE Paper and the Law)
6) Write ‘Please Turn Over’ on both sides and hand it to an idiot (SEE Practical Jokes Involving Paper)
7) Write ‘Pick Me Up’ on a piece of paper and tie a piece of string to it. Place the paper on the ground. When someone tries to pick it up pull the string. (SEE Practical Jokes Involving Paper)
8) You can rip it up and use the pieces as confetti
9) You can shred it for the sheer joy of anticipating a world without oxygen (SEE Paper and the Environment)
10) Use it as a missile
11) You can burn it (Other tools are also needed – SEE Paper and Camping)
12) You can convince your teacher you wrote your homework on it in invisible ink (SEE Homework Excuses and Paper)
13) You can eat it if your particularly daring
14) You can feed it to your pet if you’ve run out of pet food
15) You can fold it up and use it to keep your chair steady
16) You can use it as packing material to move houses
17) You can sit on it (SEE Paper Furniture)
18) You can take your anger out on it (SEE Forms of Stress Relief Involving Paper)
19) You can use it to make all sorts of origami, such as planes, cranes and other wildlife (SEE Paper in Japan)
20) You can read off of it
21) You can feed it to your dog (or cat, guinea pig, whatever) and tell your teacher that your homework was written on it. Produce animal as evidence (SEE Homework Excuses and Paper)
22) You can use it as a hat (SEE Paper and the Millinery Trade)
23) You can make clothes with it (SEE How Paper is Useful for a Tailor)
24) You can make spit balls with it and shoot them at particularly annoying teachers heads
25) You can draw a face on it, call it Bob and make it your new best friend (SEE Paper and Mental Health)
26) You can make a mask with it to shield your ugly face (SEE Paper and Craft)
27) You can put it in a printer (SEE Paper and Computers)
28) You can make it into ear plugs
29) You can make Papier Mache accessories(SEE Paper and Craft)
30) You can make random certificates for random people with it
31) You can use it as stimulus to contemplate how humans are ruining the planet (SEE Paper and the Environment)

Paper, that ever useful resource, in invaluable to this profession. The culinary arts depend heavily upon paper, particularly in the writing of recipies and menus upon the paper.
In resturants, one of the primary uses of paper is out in the dining area, where paper is used to make napkins (SEE Thirty-One Thnigs You Can Do With A Piece Of Paper). Napkins are folded into interesting shapes, such as fans or other origami (SEE Paper in Japan) to appeal to the eye of the diner.
Paper napkins are particularly used in lower-class establishments, because of the cheap, disposiable nature of paper napkins. Fast food chains, such as MacDonalds and KFC use paper napkins and make them available at regular intervals around the room. Resturants such as these do not set tables conventionally, and hence paper napkins found here are self-serve.
Since cloth napkins have a certain prestige attached to them, upper-class resturants tend to use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins. Cloth napkins are more expensive to begin with, an also require washing after use. Cloth napkins are convenient because they don't require constant replacement, but the cost incurred with washing liquid, fabric softenere and labour make paper napkins the cheaper and easier alternative to cloth napkins. Once again paper triumphs.

The land of the rising sun has many original uses for paper. Although the country is very much into the 21th Century in regards to paper use, the people of Japan still use paper in many traditional activities.
Japan's history is ricj with paper. Ancient Japan used rice plants to make rice paper, which was used for things like calligraphy, origami and art.
Today, Japan still engages in these cultural


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