What to bring to a meet up

3 Conversations

I wrote this shortly after attending the H2G2 Alton towers meet in 03 as a tip to fellow researchers and to myself if I forget due to some horrible bump on the head
For those of you who do not know what a meet is let me explain a meet is when a group of researchers all decide to met each other at a designated place and time. These normally involve camping and various other activities it is best to find out about what you will be doing before you decide what to take with you.

  • A tent- yes I know it may seem obvious but a small tip is to take a tent 1 size bigger than you need so you have enough room for all of your things

  • A sleeping bag - a very warm one... yes it gets cold at night very cold... also a ground mat might help to keep you off of the ground (its warmer that way)

  • A spare set of clothes - yes I know... is obvious... but still you will be thankful should the occasion arise (also don’t were a skirt... it lowers the number of things you can do without looking silly by quite a lot.)

  • your towel - come on what type of researcher doesn’t take there towel- its useful for so many things (duelling, sailing, windsurfing, drying)

  • some cutlery- useful for eating things with.... optional eating with sporks if you think that’s what there used for (instead of fighting with I mean)

  • Matches/lighter,- to light things on fire with...

  • torch/flashlight - so you can find your tent in the dark... useful for other things as well...

  • a camp mascot, - every meet needs a mascot

  • a barbeque - so you can cook those sausages that someone is bound to have brought

  • Camera, - to take photographs... however these may come in useful to blackmail other researchers with at a later time

  • sunglasses and sun block - in case of sun

  • Alcohol, beer, beer and more beer - everyone’s entitled to have a little fun... just try not to drink too much

  • A lightsaber - oh go on you know you want to

  • luggage markers - so you know what’s yours and what’s not

  • Mugs and plates - so your not eating off of the ground... or borrowing form another researcher (who will hopefully have enough to share)

  • a wash kit (soap hair things, facecloth etc - so your smelling sweet the next day

  • toilet roll - just incase the toilets don’t have any

  • Duct tape - for sticking things to other things... very useful

  • and more duct tape - There is no such thing as too much duct tape

  • woolly clothing - it gets very cold on a winter/autumn night

  • newspapers - can be read/ set on fire/ used to protect breakable things by raping the paper around them (most campsites have a restriction about open fires... make sure that you read the campsite rules before you set anything alight)

  • Midge spray - these annoying little flies can make a meet up hellish... don’t get eaten alive

  • money - and lots of it its also a good idea to keep some separate from your main amount because there are some untrustworthy people out there... as I unfortunately found out.

  • Spare batteries - for that torch or any other battery opperated thing.

  • Plastic sheeting - so you can sit on the ground... or fix leek in your tent.

  • Rope or cord - to tie things to other things... (or even other reserchers to trees)

  • A (set of) good cutting tool(s)- to cut the rope... and various other things

  • A torch - for light... probably a good idea to bring some spare batteries too
A penguin pushing luggage while another penguin looks on

any other ideas?

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